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I think it is time to plant the cotton and indigo seeds ...

hannah asked me to write about growing. the calendar that i have been born into tells me it is ‘spring equinox’ today. my fingers - raw cracked and remembering tell me that last week i was planting beans, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce.   i suppose with some sort of faith that they would grow. and, also, knowing that this was not inevitable. learning, in fact, that it was not inevitable those fingers who planted them would be the fingers who ate them.   and so – with things being put in the soil my mind turns to ground. to earth. to bedrock. from the south west of these celtic isles, i wonder about the land we find ourselves on and discover...

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Love Story: Dearest Jacket

Dearest jacket, Thank you for your beauty. The pinks the blues and and all your hues. You are so soft and gentle. You remind me of the time I spent in Vietnam back in 2008, the months I spent with Tamay and the extraordinary process of sitting and sewing for hours and hours. You helped me to come of age. You have taken me though my hippy years when I rejected the society I came from and back again into womanhood and eventually home. You have inspired me to accept some things as they are and given me the courage to change the things I can. You represent how slowly slowly stitch by stitch I can make a difference. I...

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